Friday, June 17, 2011

No Nuts, No Glory

Today will go down in history as the most impressive block of hiking known to mankind. I woke up this morning at 5:45 to a beautiful sunset. I rolled up my sleeping bag, ate a few power bars, threw on my pack, and headed down the trail. I was angry today my friends, like an old man trying to return soup at the deli. While my detractors went back to their every day lives, I went back to work. I was inspired by the old story of "Tragic Magic". Magic Johnson single handedly lost the 1984 championship for the Lakers. Instead of hanging his head, like most would, he was inspired to head right back into the gym the following week. This was my chance to prove everyone wrong.

I hiked for hours before I even checked my watch. It was 10:30, and I was tired. Tough. I pressed on, ignorant of time and space. I swear I had walked 10,000 steps if I had walked a mile. I started to cramp up. First, just my stomach. Then my legs. Finally even my brain started to cramp. I wasn't about to stop now, even if it cost me my life.

The sun finally started to fade into the distance, and I knew that there would be no shame in calling it a day. But I didn't stop. I pulled out my flashlight and continued on. I tripped over an exposed rock and went tumbling to the ground. I was so tired at this point that I couldn't stand back up. That's when I started to crawl. I crawled for an eternity before sapping every last ounce of strength within my body. I passed out, face down in the dirt. When I woke up this morning, I checked my GPS. I walked 37 miles yesterday! I was finally in Pennsylvania!

They said it couldn't be done, that I had my chance and I blew it. I'm already over halfway to Maine, much to the chagrin of those conspiring against me. It's only a matter of time now before I have the last laugh! I can taste victory on the edge of my tongue, and it is sweet. Back to work!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Staying Real

Some of you guys may have it out for me, but I will never change. I am going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do. I will keep going on this trail. You can criticize me, root against me, and do whatever you want.

If I have a setback, some of you can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about me not accomplishing my goals. Eventually you will have to get back to the real world and your jobs. I will still be on the trail. While you are stressing over a promotion or the inventory or the big merger I will be eating lobster in Maine celebrating a singular accomplishment.

The recent animosity from Jackson and Tim reminded me why I began this trip. In March of 2009, I began a journey to escape this world of hate and vitriol. I wanted the trail to lead to a simpler time. As I hike now, I realize that times may have been different, but they were never simple.

It is with mind in turmoil and body in repose that I post the following:


So I still haven't set an exact start date, but I've narrowed it down to between March 6th to the 14th or 15th. I'm about to start working on my itinerary next week, and hopefully will figure out my start date then. I'm also planning on getting some of my gear next week, start breaking it in and testing it out. The anticipation has been building, and it seems like it can't come soon enough.

Also, if anyone lives near the trail, let me know, and maybe at some point we can meet up.

I also want to thank my parents for supporting me with this. Without their help and support, I wouldn't be able to do this. Thanks as well to my friends who are supportive, too.

Monday, June 13, 2011


To my avid readers,

I want to apologize to my fans. I don't know why I lost control the other day but I cannot take down my post as it is now part of history, viewable for as long as the internet is up.
It has always been my policy to stand by what I write/post. I never delete or modify because I don't want to deceive you guys. I know that I should not treat my fans, except for Tim, the way I did the other day. This has really set me back on the trail, and I have not had the will to hike for days now. I used up all three free nights i had accrued. The body is willing, but the spirit is broken.
I am considering ending it all; checking out of the hotel, going back home, quitting my job, and living on unemployment until I get into grad school.

I could really use some motivation right now. Please post positive comments on this entry. I am in a tailspin and could really use something uplifting right now.

I love all of you,


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Crossing the Line

Jackson recently asked me "Exactly where on the trail are you?". At first I shrugged it off as ignorance. Then I started to read it again. And again. The more I read it, the more I realized that I was being mocked. It is obvious if you have been following my blog that I have made plenty of progress along the trail. It is maddening to write brilliant posts and have rubes that don't get them try and bring me down. This blog would have been a huge success if a bunch of jerks hadn't been dead set on taking me out. Rome wasn't built in one day.

My confidence is shaken. I don't know who I am any more.There is an idea of a Brent; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.

Jackson, you may have thought you won, but all you've done is set in motion of chain of events that will leave you mystified and bereft of your senses. You will regret having ever crossed me. You have forced my hand, and I hope that one day God will forgive me.

Monday, January 12, 2009

It's Official

At this point in my life, I'm not so sure where I want to go with it like most people my age. I know it's time for a change, yet I'm not positive what that change is. So, over the past month or two, I've been researching and reading a lot of stuff about the Appalachian Trail. And I have decided I'm going to give it a shot. I'm going to attempt to hike the whole Trail. Yes, it sounds crazy and tough, but I feel I need to do this for myself. Get away from everything and figure out some things. When will I leave? I'm not sure on the exact date, but it will be early to mid-March. I will put updates up occasionally until I start, and hopefully once I do start, it will be either daily or weekly.

I'm really excited to do this, and can't wait for the journey that awaits me.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Yesterday was my toughest day on the trail yet. I ran out of food this weekend and have been living the past 18 hours on berries and mushrooms I found in the forest. I feel as if I am no longer hiking but surviving. I've begun to think thoughts that before would have been shrugged off as nonsense.

While foraging for sustenance last night I happened upon a lone female traveler. Instinctively I began to stalk her like the lion stalking the lamb. Without pause I picked up a large rock and began to edge ever closer. I made sure to cover my arms and face in mud. I learned from the movie Predator that this was the best way to blend in. I had to make sure she could not discover me by heightened infrared readings. As I got within striking distance sanity rushed back into my mind. What was I doing? Was I really about to kill this woman? Had 18 hours without food really turned me into an animal?

The more I thought about my dilemma the murkier it became. She was out here alone and no one would really miss her, would they? I knew that if I didn't eat soon I would die. It was either me or her. I couldn't live on mushrooms and berries forever – they don’t taste very good.

I was going to do it. I skulked in the shadows of the forest. Closer and closer I got, making sure my breaths coincided with hers. As far as she was concerned I was just another shadow in a sea of darkness. Then the unthinkable. I stepped on an errant branch, alerting her to my presence. Startled, she jumped back what seemed 20 feet. I could no longer do it. I broke down and started to cry. I was going to die out here. I then felt another power bar in my pack’s secret pocket.

After eating I felt 100 times better! I realized that I had almost succumbed to Trail Madness. I had read about Trail Madness before leaving but never thought it would happen to me. Apparently it inflicts as many as 22% of all Appalachian Trail Hikers. Trail Madness murders are rare, but known to occur.

In order to avoid madness, and to get the most from the trail, I have resumed following the Braves. I am a lifelong fan, dating back to the 1992 season. Unlike so many fair weather fans, I suffered through the hard times in the 90s.

Talk about suffering, Uggla is 5 of 60 with just one double. He has 1 RBI and his on base percentage is a pathetic .152. He is 11 for 97 in past 28 games. I will bring you guys more interesting statistics in the future because I am a true fan, unlike sports nuts named Tim who masquerade as fans.

I talked with my college friend Kyle a few days ago. He asked me if I was writing the blog or if I had hired a professional author. He is in the FBI and a linguistic forensics expert. He said that the writing on this blog was so superior to my 09 one that the agents at his station didn't believe I was writing it. This is nothing new. People have always underestimated me, and I have always proven them wrong. Nothing will change.