Saturday, July 9, 2011

Death Wish

The flight was delayed thirty minutes, which sucked. Not only that, but one of the stewardesses recognized me. She remembered arguing with me about Mello Yellow versus Dew a few months ago. She tried to tell me that they were basically the same thing. I corrected her in terms simple enough that she might understand: Mello Yellow is the Avis to Dew’s Hertz. This is the reason that Dew fetches a premium price and statistically is consumed by more affluent people.

Once aboard, I logged into my GoGo internet. I bought the annual subscription for $150 because it was the deal of a liftetime. It is either $10 per flight or $150 for the year. The lady next to me paid for a single use. I explained that the annual contract is a much better deal. She said she only flies six times a year, so it would cost more. She doesn’t get it. I have already flown twice in the last four months. I will end up saving hundreds of dollars.

Matt was supposed to pick me up, but he didn’t show. He didn’t answer his phone either. I fear the worst: he is possibly being held hostage by West German terrorists at the company party. After waiting outside Hartsfield for two hours, I rented a car. Pissed doesn’t begin to explain how I feel right now. After having a few hours to think about it, I reaffirm the same notion.

I pushed all four cylinders of my Elantra to the limit. I felt like Paul Walker in Fast and Furious 1,2 and 5 (but not 4) as I tore up 75N. I had to get to Seth while he was still breathing. I got pulled over and the officer said I was doing 81. I tried to explain the situation with a brief synopsis of my blog in terms he could understand. Most cops are not very smart. The dumbest guy from my fraternity ended up being a cop. I calmly told the officer if he did not let me go immediately that there would be blood on his hands. I was cited for a traffic ticket and a misdemeanor for threatening a peace officer. A minor price that I will gladly pay time and time again to save lives. My blog and my work, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. Regardless, my court date is August 29. Tentatively, I will reach the end of the trail, Cape Cod, on August 22. Hopefully I won’t be too bloated with lobster!

I finally got to Seth’s house at four. The garage door was open, but the car was gone. I could think of only three words: Gray’s Sports Almanac.

My worst fears have been realized. Seth is going to expire on the trail. Even though I already hiked most of it, I have to start over. I will either save his life or give him a proper burial.

I want everyone who thinks they can reach Seth to read the following very carefully so they can understand that this is life or death, not fun and games. May God have mercy on us all.


Getting Ready

So my last day of work was today. Funny thing is they didn't call me to tell me it was opening later, so for my last week of work I didn't even work. ha.

Well, I'm in Lilburn, getting everything ready to go. I have everything I need, minus gloves and a hat. I've been practicing packing all my stuff in and out, putting up my tent, and cooking with my stove. I'll probably be hiking Stone Mtn. in the next day or two with all my gear, just as a warmup. Then some friends are throwing a going away party in Athens on Friday. I'll be back Saturday, get all my stuff ready to go and plans finalized, and then Monday morning I'm off to Springer Mtn.!

I'll probably post one more time Sunday night before I leave. After that, depending on cell phone service, I will try to update it everyday. And since I dont have an iphone or blackberry, they may be short and to the point. Once I get to internet in town, I'll try to provide more details as well as pictures.

5 More days...Holla!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Life or Death

I only covered a few miles today. I took it easy because of the holiday and all. I finally had a real dinner: 20 Chicken McNuggets, super size fries and two Big Macs. The only thing I don’t like about McDonald’s is that I have to sneak in a Dew and drink it on the sly because outside food and drink is forbidden.

After dinner, I checked facebook to see what everybody in civilian life was doing. I saw something on the news stream that made my blood run cold. My friend Seth is going to hike the trail.

I knew from the start this blog was a dangerous idea. Inspiring copycat hiking was inevitable. I just never thought it would be him. Seth will be as vulnerable as a newborn child on the trail.

Because Seth is getting on the trail solely due to me and my blog, I am compelled to save him from the harsh truth that the trail dispenses. I am going back so that I can either talk him out of the whole thing or guide him through it. I have come so far I can almost taste the lobster. I want more than anything to finish, but my friend’s life is more important.

It is going to be a long and brutal trip back to Georgia. I have my work cut out for me, what with the two hour layover in Charlotte. I am flying out of Harrisburg tomorrow and only hope I can get to Seth before he makes the biggest mistake of his life. I went on the trail once unprepared only to fail. I had to face ridicule from my peers and those closest to me, but at least I survived. I cannot in good faith let that happen to someone I love.

It is impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror has a face, and you must make a friend of it. Horror and the trail are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.

Seth, I am warning you, turn back. You don't know what you are getting into. This trail will finish you. I cannot have your blood on my hands, as I have no more tears left to shed.