Thursday, May 5, 2011

Too Close for Comfort

Yesterday I announced the winners for the Art of Video games Smithsonian exhibit to the few of you out there who did not already know about it. I planned on using my iPhone 4 today to check out the stream at 1:00 PM. My entire day was completely planned out. Wake up at 10:30, hike a couple of miles towards civilization and enjoy what was sure to be an amazing tribute to the greatest art medium of all time. Unfortunately I was emphatically reminded today that even the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.

I had gotten close enough to US19E to start getting some pretty good reception. I logged onto the stream an hour early to make sure that my connection was solid and test my system. That's when all hell broke loose.

I got a prompt from WebEx stating that I needed to update to the newest version to watch the stream. I quickly used the App Store and started to download version 1.5. It didn't take. I needed a wireless connection. My blood ran cold.

They say that the worst thing people can do in a life or death situation is panic. I steeled my nerves and took a step back to look at my situation. If the sky was not clear today I would have sworn I was struck with a bolt of lightning when hit by my first idea. I pulled up my Holiday Inn rewards app and found a location 3 miles away. Taking into account the wind, elevation changes, soil type, and my surge of adrenaline, I calculated that I could make it to the Holiday Inn within 75 minutes. I chugged a dew for for that extra edge and took off.

By the time I got to the hotel I only had 7 minutes to spare. Luckily with my Holiday Inn Rewards App I was able to check in on the go. I grabbed my room keys from the front desk and demanded to know where the business center was. I looked down at my watch. 5 minutes to go As I turned the corner like Jimmy Johnson at the Daytona 500 I was blindsided by another unaccounted factor. Someone was using the business center computer, and there was only one.

I was lucky. It was a woman. Judging from her looks and demeanor, I figured she was in her mid 30s, probably married, and most likely a loner. I knew that if I just threw on the charm that this issue would take care of itself. Within seconds we were chatting. She was saying something about needing the computer for a sales call later that afternoon across town. I took it up a level and started to tell her about this blog. She must have been impressed because within a minute she was hastily packing up her bag and on her way. Its a shame for her that I didn't have more time because I could tell she wanted me.

I logged in and started streaming with only 30 seconds to spare! Overall the webcast was an amazing event and I felt honored to witness history in the making. I also must admit that the presentation of the SNES awards was very well put together. I was really blown away by the presentation of SimCity and have been rethinking yesterday's critique on it. The game’s creator Hirosuki Fukiyama discussed the process of converting the game to from pc to console and made some pretty good points on the technological breakthroughs. I've decided if you never change your mind, why have one?

I decided since I had already spent $89.99 on a room I may as well use it. It was so great to drink an ice cold coke. I watched about five hours of tv before figuring out what to do for dinner.

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